
August 2022
Taxation Of Digital Assets
October 2022 John Formichella & Naytiwut Jamallsawat According to the Thai Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), investors had opened only 170,000 accounts with an exchange or digital asset trading center licensed by the SEC by 2020. Still, this number grew to 1.8 million by the end of 2021. The value of investors’ digital assets in...
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Personal Data Privacy in an eye shape with words
November 2022 By John Formichella & Naytiwut Jamallsawat The obligation to report a personal data breach in Thailand under the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) (“PDPA“) is subject to the risk and impact on the owner of the personal data (“Data Subject“) following the breach. Suppose the personal data breach can be considered...
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Thailand Cybersecurity electric padlock
The interplay between Data Privacy Law and Cybersecurity Laws – Thailand May 2022 1. Legal framework There are differences between ‘cybersecurity,’ ‘data protection,’ and ‘cybercrime’ under Thai law, as follows: ‘Cybersecurity’ is defined as any measure or procedure established to prevent, address, or mitigate the risk of cyber threats from inside and outside Thailand, which...
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